Photos of bread/toast by Rainer Zenz
Blackboxing is "the way scientific and technical work is made invisible by its own success.
When a machine runs efficiently, when a matter of fact is settled, one need focus only on its inputs and outputs and not on its internal complexity.
Thus, paradoxically, the more science and technology succeed, the more opaque and obscure they become."
-- Bruno Latour
Even if you don't completely understand how all these tools work yet, you can still use them to make a delicious breakfast a cool web app!
Delicious breakfast photo by Asimzb on Wikimedia
Software Tools:
A runtime environment that lets you run JavaScript on the server, outside of the web browser. It comes with command line tools, including npm.
The default NodeJS package manager, a command line tool and online service that makes it easy to use JavaScript libraries and share your own.
The most popular NodeJS framework. Express provides functions that make it easier to create web applications.
A JavaScript library (both client-side and server-side) that makes it easier to use WebSocket for real-time communication.
The real star of today's show! The underlying protocol and web API that allows for fast, bidirectional communication between clients and servers.
Inside "socketio-paint-demo" folder:
Open up both of these files in your text editor:
var express = require('express'); // The require() function includes the code for Express
var app = express(); // Initialize the Express library
var http = require('http').Server(app); // Initialize an HTTP server
var io = require('')(http); // Include and initialize SocketIO
var port = process.env.PORT || 8000; // Set the default port number to 8000, or use Heroku's settings (process.env.PORT)
app.use(express.static('public')); // Tell Express to serve everything in the "public" folder as static files
http.listen(port, function() { // Activate the server and listen on our specified port number
console.log('Listening on port ' + port); // Display this message in the console once the server is active
io.on('connection', function(socket) { // When a user connects over websocket:
console.log('A user connected!'); // Display this message in the console
// Start a WebSocket connection with the server using SocketIO
var socket = io();
// Note that the SocketIO client-side library was imported on line 13 of index.html,
// and this file (local.js) was imported on line 14 of index.html
This tells NodeJS to run your "app.js" file, which starts the web server and puts everything into motion.
If it works, you'll see a message in the command line that it's listening on port 8000
To connect to your local web server, open a new tab in your web browser and go to the following URL:
You'll see a blank page -- that's good!
Now check the command line:
If the connection is working, it will show the message "A user connected!"
In command line, press Ctrl + C and then run node app.js again.
Every time you change your code, you have to restart the server. And don't forget to refresh your browser after every change too!
// When a user connects over websocket,
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
// Display this message in the server console
console.log('A user connected!');
// Send an event named "test" to every client with io.sockets.emit() function (or just io.emit() for short)
// and with this event, send the string 'Hey everyone...' as the data
io.sockets.emit('test', 'Hello from the server!');
// When the server receives an event named "test",
socket.on('test', function(data) {
// Take whatever data was received and display it in the server console
}); // End of SocketIO code
// Start a WebSocket connection with the server using SocketIO
var socket = io();
// Send an event named "test" to the server with socket.emit() function
// and with this event, send the string 'Hi, this is...' as the data
socket.emit('test', 'Hello from the client!');
// When the client receives an event named "test",
socket.on('test', function(data) {
// Take whatever data was received and display it in the client console
Server Side Console:
Command Line
Client Side Console:
Web Browser
Remember to:
You should see something like this:
HTTP's request-response model is great for getting lots of information at once, but not so great for having a conversation.
WebSocket is better for conversations; both the client and the server can send and receive information all at the same time.
"Listen" icon by Rémy Médard, "Speak" icon by Eðvarð Atli Birgisson, from the Noun Project
Locate the second parameter of the socket.emit function in both JS files.
Replace those strings with objects containing two properties: who sent the message ("server" or "client") and a random number.
Hint: a JavaScript object looks like this:
{property: value, anotherProperty: anotherValue}
Previous code (change the highlighted section)
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
console.log('A user connected!');
io.sockets.emit('test', 'Hello from the server!');
socket.on('test', function(data) {
Solution to challenge 1
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
console.log('A user connected!');
io.sockets.emit('test', {sender: 'server', randomNumber: 5});
socket.on('test', function(data) {
Previous code (change the highlighted section)
var socket = io();
socket.emit('test', 'Hello from the client!');
socket.on('test', function(data) {
Solution to challenge 1
var socket = io();
socket.emit('test', {sender: 'client', randomNumber: 99});
socket.on('test', function(data) {
The event loop is literally an infinite loop running in the background, checking if any events have happened and running your at the right time.
There's one built into NodeJS and there's one built into your web browser!
See this great video for details on the event loop in JavaScript.
Anywhere you deal with user input, you'll see event-based programming.
It's big in NodeJS, SocketIO, and even in basic client-side JavaScript.
See the MDN event reference page for a gigantic list!
In fact, let's open that link right now and keep it handy for later!
We'll be making our own custom SocketIO events today.
You can also make custom events in plain JavaScript; see the MDN guide on creating events for more info.
You can create chain reactions in your code, not unlike a row of dominoes!
Event-based programming can be harder to learn and harder to debug,
so be prepared for some frustration.
document.addEventListener('click', myFunction); function myFunction(event) { console.log(event); }
There are five parts to a standard JavaScript event listener
Part 1: Where the events will happen
(in this case, the whole HTML document object)
Part 2: Start listening for events
(with JavaScript's built-in addEventListener method)
Part 3: The type of event
(see this reference list or make up your own)
Part 4: The name of the function to run when the event happens
(known as the "callback" function)
Part 5: This parameter receives an object with info about the event
(different events give you different information)
document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
Just note that if you ever need to remove an event listener later, it won't work with an anonymous function.
document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
You should see a MouseEvent object in the console. Click to expand the data:
socket.on('my event', myFunction); function myFunction(data) { console.log(data); }
The SocketIO event listener also has five parts, and it works the same way!
Part 1: Where the events will happen
(in this case, the socket object representing the WebSocket connection)
Part 2: Start listening for events
(with SocketIO's "on" method)
Part 3: The type of event
(here we made up our own and gave it a random name)
Part 4: The name of the function to run when the event happens
(known as the "callback" function)
Part 5: Data sent from the other side of the WebSocket connection
(it could be an object, a string, or whatever else)
socket.on('my event', function(data) {
Just like with JavaScript's built-in listeners, if you ever need to remove a SocketIO listener later, it won't work with an anonymous function.
Change your code so that when the user clicks the screen, you use console.log to display the event info object and you also send it to the server.
Hint: you only need to change the code in one spot in local.js
var socket = io();
document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
socket.emit('test', event);
socket.on('test', function(data) {
socket.emit('my event', myData);
The SocketIO event emitter sends events and data to the client or server.
It has three parts.
Part 1: The SocketIO object and emitter function
(there are three variations, which we'll look at in the next slide)
Part 2: The event to send
(a string value of our choosing)
Part 3: The data to send with the event
(as we've seen, it can be an object, a string, or whatever)
For the next challenge, you'll need to open at least two instances of your app, each with its own web console, to test your app with multiple clients.
You can use two browser tabs or make two separate windows side-by-side.
Change your server-side code so that when the server receives
the event named "test",
it does two more things:
1. It replies to the client who clicked their screen with an event called "test" containing the message "I saw you click!"
2. It also replies to every client except the one who clicked with an event called "test" containing the message "Off with their head!"
Hint: to test this code, you need to open up multiple browser windows/tabs,
with multiple browser consoles open!
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
console.log('A user connected!');
io.sockets.emit('test', 'Hello from the server!');
socket.on('test', function(data) {
socket.emit('test', 'I saw you click!');
socket.broadcast.emit('test', 'Off with their head!');
With just those few SocketIO functions and some client-side JavaScript, you can create any and every type of real-time, multi-user interaction.
Let's learn the way real programmers do it -- with Google!
Choose one of the following missions:
document.addEventListener('mousedown', startDrawing); document.addEventListener('mousemove', drawStuff); document.addEventListener('mouseup', stopDrawing); function startDrawing(event) { // do cool stuff here } function drawStuff(event) { // do cool stuff here } function stopDrawing(event) { // do cool stuff here }
document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
socket.emit('test', {x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY});
Tinker with it this week, and when we meet again next time we'll look at what everyone came up with!